Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Stare Out at the Sea

Like a wet bench on a lonely boardwalk
As the sun begins to set low
You and I, we barely talk
And empty is the love we knew
So long ago.

So I wander down the boardwalk,
I sit here on the bench.
Stare out into the bay
Wondering if I’ll ever find my way.
Are you happy to be gone
Right there in the room?
I just want
To find my way back to you.

The division is sharp like a knife,
I’m not going to plea.
You and I, you were my life
Now rejection is the message
You send me.

So I wander down the boardwalk,
I sit here on the bench.
Stare out into the bay
Wondering if I’ll ever find my way.
Are you happy to be gone
Right there in the room?
I just want
To find my way back to you.

We drifted apart and now
I cannot find the bridge to you.
You and I, I think we are gone.
I lay here alone and wonder
What will I do?

I get up and wander down the boardwalk,
I sit here on the bench.
Stare out into the bay
Wondering if I’ll ever find my way.
Are you happy to be gone
Right there in the room?
I just want
To find my way back to you.

I stare out at the sea,
I stare out at the sea,
Wondering if you will ever want
To find your way back to me.

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